Monday, November 30, 2009

The blogger formally known as WMK

That's right folks...
                 I'm baaaaaack.
Not only do I miss my bloggy friends terribly and keep mentally filing away notes related to my next post (why is there soooo much to blog about once you decide that you've nothing left to post?) But, I am on to a new project that requires 1) a public statement, and 2) tons of moral support.

You see, my friends, I have decided that I am going to run in the 2101 Marine Corps Marathon.  People.  This is BIG.  Especially because I do not run.

*pardon me, I need to lie down now as I am feeling a bit faint all of a sudden*


trash said...

Woohoo! You go Running Mama. We are backing you all the way.

trash said...

i thought i had commented previously, sorry about that. Delighted you are back Missus Mama.

Michaela said...

Now am I being really stoopid here. but you're going to run in a marathon in 2101? Good Lord, Mama, you'll be well over 100 years old. Nothing short of miraculous!

Oh and welcome back. You have been sorely missed.

Locket Pocket said...

Oh My Goodness!!!!

It's lovely to have you back - but are you COMPLETELY INSANE?????????

Just sit down a while and see if these strange feelings go away!

Lucy xx

Mrs Moog said...

Wooohoooo you're back!! Although I am sort of worried the real WMK may have been abducted by aliens and subjected to some serious brainwashing.
Alien influence or not, GO MAMA with the scary sounding running stuff!!
